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Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh India


Meaning of Kundalini?

Perhaps this will be at least fourth or fifth time I am going to tell you about something which you already have gone through and tried to dwell more and more. This topic is of utmost importance for each and every practitioner and anyone who has ever had contact with the philosophy of yoga. Once again I am going to be as forthcoming as ever and just like a messenger of our ancient tradition portray about it as it is given in the scriptures. As it has been one of my addictions I begin with the very name itself, the word KUNDALINI means “coiled”, the very word has been inspired from a dormant snake in hibernation coiled into itself and in a state of sleep. The meaning is as mystical as the very concept behind it, the HATHYOG tradition is verily based and inspired from this concept and it imagines that the root cause of human potential and consciousness rests or sleeps dormant just like this snake in hibernation exactly at the very end of the spine (physically) and in terms of the whole chakra system right at the very end below the first chakra.

I think now you know any KUNDALINI attracts us so much, as soon as the word root cause of all potential and conscious power utter all those curious minds become alert. Now our beloved coiled serpent in hibernation has to be awakened via our practise and discipline of yoga and once this divine serpent awakens it slowly slithers and rises beginning from the root chakra (also known as MOOLADHARA) and as a practitioner continues on the disciplined and focussed approach of his/her practise this seat of all human potential begins to unlock the very divine potential one by one. Of course to assist our beloved divine serpent are the nerve channels ( also known as NADIS) and among them the principle ones known as IDA and PINGLA which for the disciplined and devoted practitioner makes way for our awakened serpent right through the spinal column( through the SUSHUMNA nervic channel) passing through each and every CHAKRA . As it does your true infinite expanse into the divine and also our tremendous energy and potential are realized slowly and steadily, which many of the devoted practitioners often refer to as KUNDALINI JAGRAN (awakening of kundalini).

What a contrast of cultures it is isn’t it when you see that in most Abrahamic faith a serpent is devil incarnate while in the eternal yogic philosophy and Indian wisdom the very serpent is the source and key to your own awakening and divinity. The very reason why the serpent is considered to be divine and mystical as you can see the reflections across the length and breadth of the Indian subcontinent. Now once you know what are you waiting for, go ahead and awaken you sleeping serpent that holds the key and answers which your mind always keeps asking. Progress in your practice.

Sanskar Yogashala provides an excellent environment and life Changing opportunity to make it a learning for a lifetime. Virtuous Karma and Sanskar for TTC to enhance your personality throughout. Our mission is to spread the pure knowledge of Yoga throughout the globe.

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